
the butterfly’s teaching


Source: undefined
Source: Datura


what you call “death” is return to source;

return from actuality to potentiality, and eventually it will create new actuality.

it is a neverending circle.

nothing can ever be lost. it can only be transformed.

the essence of a person/animal/soul is eternal.

it exists outside of time.

you can communicate with any essence you like, at any time.

Source: Simon Falk
Source: Ariana Raizer
Source: Katri Tikkanen

from the diary of Ataraxia, end of november 2023

it’s a circle that gets mapped like in the Hopf Fibration. there’s not enough space in your dimensionality, so what you call death is mapped to {}.

an infinitely big circle thus becomes a line - its beginning and end seem distinct. but only from your point of view.

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