
Source: Nora Fikse
Source: Kyo-ya Hotels & Resorts

gift Shop

if you want to give something to me,

this is a collection of things I dream of having!

for making my goodfairy services even more magical

link to vibe cards that will be activated through the gifts

Books to educate myself further in
Biological Health; Numerology; Crystals, Etheric Oils, Herbs and Mythology

for my Art & Gift-Creation

Source: Bao

singing lessons

Source: Hypop: Photography Lighting & Equipment Store
Source: Flowering Words (chloe)

a tripod

Source: undefined

Personal Dreams

Stein der Harmonie zum Hexagonalisieren von Wasser im Körper

Source: qlty_qdrts
Source: City Winery
Source: City Winery


My Moving & Growing Castle

An addition to

use more of the space in my kitchen

Source: Julia Adams Art
Source: Julia Adams Art

A place for my bread and baked goods to be stored

Source: Par Vous Designs

any questions? contact me per e-mail: [email protected]

Made on mmm