
wild horses

Source: aboywithabag

on the property where I live at the moment (it is a beautiful piece of forest in the north of Portugal) we sometimes get a visit of a group of wild horses. before I saw them, I thought this is something that does not exist in europe anymore. yet here they are.

during the hunter’s quest I encountered one of them in the night in the woods. later that night, I realized something.

this group of wild horses is running freely. it does not matter to them if they run on forest ground or on a paved road. nothing, no change of the surroundings can take their freedom away from them. they adapt to the changes and just keep running freely, reminding us of our inherent freedom. it is only our belief that our freedom has been taken away from us that makes us feel unfree. noone but ourselves can actually take it away from us.

another realization lied in the herd. in this part of my journey, I am looking for my group of wild horses, who have not given up their freedom and are up to run freely alongside me. I already found quite a few!

it is not important how crazy the world out there gets, if you are in good company.

let’s run together freely!

Source: mysweetworkss
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